TV, Radio, Web
O ANCHE NO (December 24th), Rai 3. The whole episode is about the Integrated Fencing performance organized by Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco inside the Terme di Diocleziano Museum Fencing Hall, in the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, with interviews with Fencing Champions (Paralympic, for blind/visually impaired and able-bodied people), with Master Renzo Musumeci Greco and personalities from Sports, World of Entertainment and Politics
I FATTI VOSTRI (December 19th), Rai 2. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is a special guest of the TV show hosted by Tiberio Timperi and Anna Falchi, for promoting the musical I Tre Moschettieri - Opera Pop, improvising a funny duel with actors/singers Giò Di Tonno, Graziano Galatone and Vittorio Matteucci
FORUM (December 11th), Canale 5. A TV report about Integrated Fencing performance organized by Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco inside the Terme di Diocleziano Museum Fencing Hall in the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, with interviews with Fencing Champions (Paralympic, for blind/visually impaired and able-bodied people) and with Master Renzo Musumeci Greco
OGGI È (December 3rd), Rai Scuola Channel. Roberto Remoli, Blind Fencing Champion and President of “ASD Disabili Roma 2000”, and Master Renzo Musumeci Greco are interviewed in the Pantheon Fencing Hall in the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities
FORUM (October 29th), Rete 4/Canale 5. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is a special guest of the TV talk show
I FATTI VOSTRI (October 8th), Rai 2. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is a special guest of the TV show with fencing Champion Edoardo Giordan, speaking about "Scherma Senza Limiti" project and Giordan’s achievement of a bronze medal in Individual Men’s Sabre at Paris 2024 Paralympic Games
RAI NEWS 24 (September 15th), Rai News 24. A TV report about the 14th edition of A Fil di Spada - La Maratona di Scherma is broadcast, with interview to Renzo Musumeci Greco, Matteo Tagliariol, Edoardo Giordan and Silvia Tombolini
2 TV REPORTS about Musumeci Greco Fencing Academy in the occasion of Paris 2024 Paralympic and Olympic Games, broadcast on French network France 2 in May and in September
PHOTO-INTERVIEW by Associated Press (edited by Domenico Stinellis) produced inside the three Musumeci Greco Fencing Academy branches in the occasion of Paris 2024 Paralympic and Olympic Games
WINNING ISN'T FOR EVERYONE, Nike advertisement for Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, directed by Fleur Fortune
LA VITA CHE MI DIEDI (“The Life I Gave To Myself”), Radio 3. Radio host Monica D’Onofrio interviews Renzo Musumeci Greco about the Academy, his work as Swordmaster in the Show Business and project "Fencing Without Limits"
VITA DA CARLO 3, Paramount +, TV Series, directed by Carlo Verdone, with Christian De Sica, Max Tortora, Monica Guerritore, Stefania Rocca, Anita Caprioli, Alessandro Haber, Antonello Venditti, Rocco Papaleo, Paolo Calabresi, Sangiovanni
TG2000 20:30 pm (September 16th), Rai 1. A TV report on 13th Edition of A Fil di Spada - La Maratona di Scherma is broadcast with an interview to Master Renzo Musumeci Greco
TG1 20:00 pm (September 16th), Rai 1. A TV report on 13th Edition of A Fil di Spada - La Maratona di Scherma is broadcast with an interview to Master Renzo Musumeci Greco
CAMPER (August 8th), Rai 1 Channel. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco and his son Enzo are special guests of the TV show, with correspondent Marco Di Buono who visits the Academy’s historical branch in Rome, near the Pantheon
BERGAMO TG 7:30 pm (July 14th), Bergamo TV Channel. A service dedicated to "Wishakespeare" is broadcast, with some shots of the show’s dry run in Bergamo Alta
RAI NEWS 24 (May 17th), Rai News 24. A TV report about initiative “Fencing & Culture at Palazzo Massimo” is broadcast on Rai News 24 channel, with interviews to President Renzo Musumeci Greco, Italian actor Alessio Boni (“Fencing & Culture” Ambassador) and Dr. Agnese Pergola, Supervisor of Rome’s Palazzo Massimo alle Terme
TG SPORT 11:00 am (May 14th), Rai 2. A TV report on European Museums’ Night inside Musumeci Greco’s Academy is broadcast on Rai 2 Channel, with interviews to Paralympic Champion Edoardo Giordan, President Renzo Musumeci Greco and Minister for Sports Andrea Abodi
I FATTI VOSTRI (May 4th), Rai 2. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, interviewed by Salvo Sottile on TV feature Un caffè con… talks about his Show Business career, with archive footage, funny stories and film, TV and Opera clips
TG2 COSTUME & SOCIETÀ 1:30 am (April 19th), Rai 2. In a beautiful reportage, journalist Maria Teresa Fabris interviews Master Renzo Musumeci Greco. Among other things, they also talk about Stage Fencing Class L’Attore e la Spada (The Actor and the Sword), held in the acting school “Fondamenta”, in Rome, and about project “Scherma Senza Limiti” (“Fencing Without Limits”), supported by “Terzo Pilastro - Internazionale” Foundation
GEO (April 17th), Rai 3. Journalist Fiamma Satta, in her TV column A spasso con te (Walking With You), goes to visit Master Renzo Musumeci Greco and actor Alessio Boni, who, in the Academy’s Salle d’Armes, are practicing with swords. They talk about stage fencing, Show Business and about training Renzo and Alessio did for facing the spectacular duel scenes in the movie Caravaggio, by Angelo Longoni, cinematography by Vittorio Storaro (2008)
TG2 - POST 9:00 pm (January 17th), Rai 2. In order to celebrate actress’ Gina Lollobrigida, passed away a few days ago, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is interviewed in his Rome’s house. Renzo shows the cameras the original sword used by the actress in 1955 movie La donna più Bella del mondo, in which Gina Lollobrigida performs a thrilling duel with fellow actress Tamara Lees: both of them had been trained into swordsmanship by Renzo’s father, Enzo Musumeci Greco
L’ORA SOLARE (September 27th), TV2000. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco and Novella Calligaris are interviewed by host Paola Saluzzi, talking about their career and present and future plans
TG2 - RAI SPORT 11:00 am e RAI NEWS 24 ore 12:30 pm (September 13th), Master Renzo Musumeci Greco and Paralympic fencer Edoardo Giordan are interviewed in a TV news report about 12th Edition of A Fil di Spada - La Maratona di Scherma at Pantheon square, in Rome
SPORT ACADEMY (September 10th), Radio Cusano Campus. Interview to Master Renzo Musumeci Greco about the XII Edition of A Fil di Spada, the “Scherma Senza Limiti” project and the film exhibition A Fil di Spada - I Musumeci Greco a Duello col Cinema (By the Edge of the Sword - The Musumeci Grecos' Duel with Cinema), at Rome’s “Casa del Cinema”
TG1 8:00 am-13:30 pm (May 15th), Rai 1 channel. Newscast TG1 airs a report about the "Night of the Museums" at Musumeci Greco's Academy, with the reenactment of the "Duel of the Century", our Paralympic Champions' fencing live assaults and an interview with Master Renzo Musumeci Gre
DRIBBLING (March 19th), Rai 2 channel. The TV sports show's crew visits Rome's "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia" during a stage-fencing class held by Master Renzo Musumeci Greco
ANNA E SERGIO… QUELLI DELLA MATTINA (November 10th), RDS Radio, radio show hosted by Anna Pettinelli and Sergio Friscia. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, on a live interiew, talks about on-set safety measures when a weapon is used
RAI NEWS 24 (October 24th), TV service on Rome's Film Festival Event Dal Set alla Pedana - Musica e Scherma: Cent’anni di Armonia", with interviews to Renzo Musumeci Greco, Fabrizio Storaro, Elena Bouryka and Daniele Luchetti
RAI NEWS 24 12:30 pm (September 13th), TV service on 11th edition of A Fil di Spada - La Maratona di Scherma - Memorial Enzo Musumeci Greco, with interviews to Renzo Musumeci Greco, Vito Cozzoli (Sport e Salute's CEO) and Edoardo Giordan, just back from Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games
TUTTO LO SPORT MA PROPRIO TUTTO (September 12th), Cusano Italia TV. Interview to Master Renzo Musumeci Greco about fencing event "A Fil di Spada", now in its 11th edition
RAI NEWS 24 8:00 pm (July 24th), Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, guest on the newscast's prime time edition, talks about silver medal achieved in Tokyo 2020 Olympics Games by Luigi Samele, on Men's Sabre Individual
ospite all’edizione del TG della prima serata, parla della medaglia d’argento ottenuta alle Olimpiadi di Tokyo 2020 da Luigi Samele nella Sciabola Individuale maschile
I MESTIERI DEL CINEMA (June 6th), Clubhouse, radio show hosted by Salvatore Marino. Interview with Renzo Musumeci Greco on Swordmaster's profession. With Stefano Reali, Tiziano Rapanà, Emiliano Morgia
DRIBBLING (May 8th), Rai 2 channel, interview with Master Renzo Musumeci Greco in the Historical Academy Salle d'Armes, in which he talks about Fencing, Show Business and the "Fencing Without Limits" project
BLANCA, TV series for Rai Channel produced by Lux Vide, directed by Giacomo Martelli, with Maria Chiara Giannetta, Giuseppe Zeno, Danilo Nigrelli
IL TEMPO DI UNA TELEFONATA (April 23rd), InBlu Radio (96.3), with Paola Saluzzi. Radio Interview with Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, who talks about his "Fencing Without Limits" project and "Terzo Pilastro - Internazionale" Foundation's President Emmanuele F. M. Emanuele, who supports the project. He also talks about his last Opera work, I Lombardi alla Prima Crociata, set up in March for Monte Carlo's Opéra Thatre.
L’ORA SOLARE (April 12th), TV2000. Video contribution of Master Renzo Musumeci Greco on the TV show hosted by Paola Saluzzi, during an interview with italian actor Alessio Boni in the occasion of his book Mordere la nebbia's launch. Broadcast of an unreleased video in which Master Musumeci Greco trains Boni for his duel scenes in the TV movie Caravaggio.
UNOMATTINA IN FAMIGLIA (January 31st), Rai 1. Musumeci Greco's Academy hosts TV show Unomattina in famiglia's crew for a tour inside the Arms Hall, while Master Renzo Musumeci Greco tells the audience about the history of fencing, from knightly duels to fencing application in the show business, by showing some of the weapons the family used in order to set duels in movies, theatre plays, opera and TV performances
ORIGINS - EP. 2: FENCING (January 29th), webeseries produced by Red Bull, directed by Andy Burgess. In this second episode, history of fencing is illustrated from its origins to our day, and Musumeci Greco's Academy is the stage chosen by Olympic Champion Olga Kharlan, which shows her sabre skills in the amazing Arms Hall background. She and director Andy Burgess also interview Master Renzo Musumeci Greco about an excursus inside the history of this chivalric discipline (video available on YouTube here)
ULISSE - IL PIACERE DELLA SCOPERTA: STANOTTE CON CARAVAGGIO (December 16th), Rai 1, created and hosted by Alberto Angela. Renzo Musumeci Greco shows the audience some features and traits of swords and duels in Caravaggio's days, while Enzo Musumeci Greco and Iacopo Ricciotti, with the background of spectacular Odescalchi Castle in Palo Laziale (Rome), reenact the duel between the famous italian painter and his opponent, Ranuccio Tomassoni, just like it has been seen in 2008's movie Caravaggio (directed by Angelo Longoni, cinematography by Vittorio Storaro)
RAI NEWS 24 (October 18th), Renzo Musumeci Greco presents Rome Film Festival's event Dalla Pedana al Set - 100 anni di Cappa & Spada, occured in the Academy on October 17th and 18th, which celebrates over 100 years of movie duels set up by Musumeci Greco's family
LA VOCE DELLE REGIONI (September 18th), Federscherma TV, video interview with Master Renzo Musumeci Greco and Fencing Champion Alessandro Lispi. Amongst other things, they also talk about the 10th Edition of “A Fil di Spada - La Maratona di Scherma”
EUROSHOW (September 11th), Città Celeste TV, interview with Master Renzo Musumeci Greco in which he also talks about the 10th Edition of “A Fil di Spada - La Maratona di Scherma”, set up in Rome, Pantheon Square, on September 12th, 2020, in the occasion of World's Fencing Day. He also speaks about his "Fencing Without Limits" project
IL SETTEMEZZO.COM (July 30th), video interview with Master Renzo Musumeci Greco which talks about his great-uncle Agesilao Greco
RAI NEWS 24 12:30 pm (July 16th), Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is live on the news. He talks about his plea to Government, Sport and School personalities in order to reopen, in September 2020, in-concession school gyms, which is at risk because of the Covid-19 emergency
RAI NEWS 24 12:30 pm (May 8th), news report about the first fencing training post Covid-19 emergency with athletes of the “Scherma Senza Limiti” (Fencing Without Limits) project
QUANTE STORIE (May 8th), Rai 3, report about the first fencing training post Covid-19 emergency with athletes of the “Scherma Senza Limiti” project
SPORT ACADEMY (April 25th), Radio Cusano Campus, interview with Master Renzo Musumeci Greco
SOLITI IGNOTI, Rai 1, hosted by Amadeus
SPORT2000, TV2000, Renzo Musumeci Greco, guest of the TV program hosted by Giampiero Spirito, talks about "scenic fencing" and the "Scherma Senza Limiti" project
RAI NEWS 24, “La Notte dei Musei” (Night of the Museums) happened at the Musumeci Greco Academy
L’ORA SOLARE, TV2000, hosted by Paola Saluzzi
ULISSE – IL PIACERE DELLA SCOPERTA, Rai 1, created and hosted by Alberto Angela. Renzo Musumeci Greco, Enzo Musumeci Greco and fencer Guglielmo Lello reenact a chivalric duel
GEO&GEO, Rai 3, “Sport and Disability”
UNOMATTINA, Rai 1, Renzo Musumeci Greco presents the "Scherma Senza Limiti" project
SPORT2000, TV2000, Renzo Musumeci Greco, guest of the TV program hosted by Giampiero Spirito, talks about "scenic fencing" and the "Scherma Senza Limiti" (Fencing Without Limits) project
SPORT2000 – “I DUELLANTI”, TV2000, Renzo Musumeci Greco is a guest together with actor Alessio Boni
TG2 - Costume & Società, Rai 2, “Scherma Senza Limiti” - Our paralympics fencers Andrea Pellegrini ed Edoardo Giordan
QUEEN, July 23rd, episode of the TV series, broadcasted on Chinese channel Hunan TV, is shot inside the Academy, with fencing consulting by Master Renzo Musumeci Greco. With Hong Kong actor Aarif Rahman
RAI NEWS 24, Novella Calligaris interviews Renzo Musumeci Greco
STORIE DI RAGAZZI, docu-fiction, directed by Laura Luchetti, partly shooted in our Academy, with performers Enzo Musumeci Greco, Martina Ganassin and Carlotta Maria Rondana
UNOMATTINA, Rai 1, column about fair play hosted by Franco Di Mare and Elisa Isoardi
DRUGSTORE, Rai Movie, magazine hosted by Miriam Leone
CHE DIO CI AIUTI 2, Rai 1, fiction, directed by Francesco Vicario, with Elena Sofia Ricci, Lino Guanciale and Michele De Virgilio
TGCOM24, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco guest in the Sport section, dedicated to London Olympics
BUONGIORNO CIELO, Cielo, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is a guest, together with Martina Ganassin and Carolina Tana, of the TV program hosted by Paola Saluzzi, the topic is fencing, both in Sports and Cinema
SUL FILO DELLA LAMA, TV series teaser, duels between Martina Ganassin and Luca Pignotti
NEL CUORE DEI GIORNI, TV2000, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, guest of the TV program, talks about the relationship he had with his father and the decision to follow his footsteps
TG1 ore 20.00 (March 6th), Rai 1, “Scherma Senza Limiti” - I nostri schermidori non vedenti e ipovedenti in azione.
STRACULT (March), Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, Riccardo Trombetta and Stefano Raffaele record TV program's theme song, which will air in April on Rai Movie
TG ADNKRONOS (February 8th), “Scherma Senza Limiti” - Our blind and visually impaired fencers on the move
ITALIA È, Rai Internazionale, a report about Musumeci Greco Academy
I FATTI VOSTRI, Rai 2, with Giancarlo Magalli
ITALIA CHIAMA ITALIA, Rai Internazionale
GEO & GEO, Rai 3, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco and fencer/actor Lorenzo Praticò are guests inside the program column called "Gli Antichi Mestieri" (Ancient Professions), historical excursus about Master of Arms' position, from Middle Ages to the present day
DONNA IN CORSIA, IES TV, Leda Galiuto, doctor and fencer, is a guest on the show, and she has to deal with Master Renzo Musumeci Greco in the Academy
MATTINA IN FAMIGLIA (September 11th), hosted by Miriam Leone and Tiberio Timperi, special guest Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, exceptional pundit
I FATTI VOSTRI (March 19th), Rai 2, with Giancarlo Magalli, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco and Martina Ganassin perform a remake of Gina Lollobrigida's duel in 1955 movie La donna più bella del mondo, directed by Robert Z. Leonard
I FATTI VOSTRI (April 26th), Rai 2, with Giancarlo Magalli
UNOMATTINA, Rai 1, with Michele Cucuzza and Eleonora Daniele
TUTTOBENESSERE (April 24th), Rai 1, hosted by our former fencer Daniela Rosati, topic of the episode: "Backache"
UNOMATTINA, Rai 1, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is a guest
INSIEME SUL DUE, Rai 2, hosted by Milo Infante, Laura and Silvia Squizzato, directed by Michele Guardì, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is interviewed
MAMME NELLA RETE, Real Time, interview to a mother and a son, both fencers and Master Renzo Musumeci Greco's disciples
MAGAZINE 2, Rai 2, hosted and directed by Antonello Aglioti, a monograph about Master Renzo Musumeci Greco
UNOMATTINA, Rai 1, with Veronica Maya
IL CAFFÈ, Rai 3 and Rai Internazionale, hosted by Cinzia Tani, with Corrado Augias
TGR OFFICINA ITALIA, Rai Internazionale and RaiSat Cinema
UNOMATTINA, Rai 1, with Luca Giurato
CARAVAGGIO (TV version), directed by Angelo Longoni, cinematography by Vittorio Storaro, with Alessio Boni
IL TRENO DEI DESIDERI, Rai1, with Antonella Clerici and Aldo Montano
UNOMATTINA, Rai 1, with Luca Giurato
TELETHON, Rai 2, hosted by Fabrizio Frizzi
TUTTE DONNE TRANNE ME, Rai 1, with Massimo Ranieri playing the part of Cyrano and Margherita Granbassi
TUTTE DONNE TRANNE ME, Rai 1, with Massimo Ranieri playing the part of Zorro and Margherita Granbassi
SIPARIO ‘MEMORIAL ENZO MUSUMECI GRECO’, Rete 4, with Aldo Montano, Valentina Vezzali, Giovanna Trillini and Renzo Musumeci Greco
LA GIOSTRA DEI GOL, Rai Internazionale, Sunday magazine TV show with and episode about athletes, hosted by Nino Benvenuti
DIARIO DI FAMIGLIA, Rai Educational, TV series
OPERAMUSICAL.COM, Sky, project "Caravaggio" by Gianluca Terranova
MEMORIAL ‘ENZO MUSUMECI GRECO', LA7, Fecing Tournament - Italy vs. Rest of the World
RITORNO AL PRESENTE, Rai1, reality show hosted by Carlo Conti, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco teaches fencing to reality contenders, reality which takes place in 18th Century Venice
QUELLI CHE... IL CALCIO, Rai 2, olympic re-match between Aldo Montano and Zsolt Nemcsik, Politeama Theatre of Palermo
COMINCIAMO BENE, Rai 3, hosted by Fabrizio Frizzi, special guests Nino Benvenuti and Renzo Musumeci Greco
GIGA, RaiSat Ragazzi
STORIA DEL CINEMA POPOLARE, Raisat Cinema, with Steve Della Casa
TG2, Rai 2, special service about fencing-show business seminary from Rome's National Movie School
GIGA, RaiSat Ragazzi
CARAVAGGIO, BBC – London, special service about painter Caravaggio with duels reenactment
MOSQUITO, Italia 1
SIETE TUTTI INVITATI, CITOFONARE CALONE, Rai 1, comical duel between Massimo Ranieri, Massimo Lopez and Renzo Musumeci Greco
STORIA ORALE DEL CINEMA ITALIANO, Stream TV, Masters of Arms and acrobats
CINEMA AL DETTAGLIO, Stream - Cine Movie, a whole episode about Master-of-Arms Renzo Musumeci Greco
TG2 - Costume & Società, Rai 2, live from Verona's Arena for Il trovatore, with Franco Zeffirelli
TG2 - Costume & Società, Rai 2
CI VEDIAMO SU RAI 1, with Paolo Limiti
DOMENICA IN, Rai 1, with Carlo Conti and Iva Zanicchi, Gladiators in the Colosseum, duel with Paolo Brosio
SPOT PUBBLICITARIO “FOXY”, "Cyrano has a cold"
QUESTA ITALIA, Rai Internazionale
SERENO VARIABILE, Rai 2, with Osvaldo Bevilacqua
VERISSIMO, Canale 5, with Cristina Parodi
CELLULOIDE, Rai Internazionale
FORTE FORTISSIMA, TMC, with Rita Forte and Claudio G. Fava
CASA, AMORE & FANTASIA, TMC, with Ilaria Moscato
SALI E TABACCHI, Canale 5, with Pietrangelo Buttafuoco
LA VITA IN DIRETTA, Rai 2, with Michele Cucuzza
LA MACCHINA DEL TEMPO, Rete 4, with Alessandro Cecchi Paone
SERENO VARIABILE, Rai 2, with Osvaldo Bevilacqua
UNOMATTINA, Rai 1, with Antonella Clerici
CINÉ+ CLASSIC, Canal+, with Tatti Sanguineti
FANTASTICA ITALIANA, Rai 1, with Paolo Bonolis
VIDEOSAPERE: I SEGNI DELLA STORIA, Rai 3, Museum of Arma, Brescia
TELEGARDA, Museum of Arms, Brescia
TAPPETO VOLANTE, TMC, with Luciano Rispoli
I FATTI VOSTRI – TELETHON ‘95, Rai 2, with Giancarlo Magalli, duel in the Pantheon
SERENO VARIABILE, Rai 2, with Osvaldo Bevilacqua
I FATTI VOSTRI, Rai 2, with Giancarlo Magalli
CANAL GRANDE, Rai 1, by Ugo Gregoretti
UNOMATTINA, Rai 1, with Luca Giurato
UNOMATTINA, Rai 1, with Luca Giurato
SPOT PUBBLICITARIO “ANTICA GELATERIA DEL CORSO”, directed by Tony Scott, set design by Dante Ferretti, set furniture by Francesca Lo Schiavo, costume design by Maurio Millenotti
FANTASTICO, (*) Rai 1, with Massimo Ranieri
PRONTO, CHI GIOCA?, (*) Rai 1, with Bruno Modugno
SPOT PUBBLICITARIO “RENAULT”, (*) directed by Paolo Taviani, Renzo Musumeci Greco fences
DOMENICA IN, (*) Rai 1, with Pippo Baudo
SERENO VARIABILE, (*) Rai 2, with Osvaldo Bevilacqua
ANNA KULISCIOFF, (*) directed by Roberto Guicciardini, with Marina Malfatti
IL SIGNORE DI BALLANTRAE, (*) film TV Rai, directed by Anton Giulio Majano, with Giuseppe Pambieri
INSIEME, FACENDO FINTA DI NIENTE, (*) with Enza Sampò and Giancarlo Dettori
CARTESIO, (*) TV miniseries, directed by Roberto Rossellini, with Ugo Cardea and Anne Pouchie
ADELCHI, (*) TV adaptation of Alessandro Manzoni's play, directed by Orazio Costa Giovangigli, with Gabriele Lavia
LA STORIA DELL'ISLAM, (*) TV documentary, directed by Folco Quilici
LA FRECCIA NERA, (*) TV miniseries, directed by Anton Giulio Majano, with Aldo Reggiani, Loretta Goggi and Arnoldo Foà
(*) Works done by Renzo Musumeci Greco in partnership with his father Enzo.