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Fencing Events and Interships


  • NOZZE D’ORO, December 7th, "Teatro Massimo", Cagliari. In the occasion of the Cinema and Music event, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco accepts the "Tre minuti di celebrità a Cagliari" Lifetime Achievement Award.

  • INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, December 3rd, Museo Nazionale Romano - Terme di Diocleziano, Rome. Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco, in the occasion of the day, sets an Integrated Fencing performance. On the fencing strip also Champions such as Oleksandr Bondarenko, Gaia De Rossi, Rigivan Ganeshamoorthy, Edoardo Giordan, Andrea Jacquier, Julia Markowska, Loredana Trigilia, Filippo Innocenti, Roberto Remoli, Veronica Tartaglia, Silvia Tombolini, Elena Ferracuti, Vittoria Mocci, Benedetta Stangoni, Daniele Stirpe and Gabriel Zazzarino. Among the participant Institutions also Museo Nazionale Romano’s Director Edith Gabrielli, Social Inclusion and Human Services Lazio Region Councillor Massimiliano Maselli, VII Commission (Culture, Science and Education) President Federico Mollicone and Poste Italiane President Silvia Rovere.

  • UNA STOCCATA CONTRO IL CANCRO (A Thrust Against Cancer), October 16th, Pio Albergo Trivulzio, Milan. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is a special guest of the convention to present a project which offers fencing classes to cancer patients who faced, or still facing, the post-op course of treatment. The event, hosted by Special Commissioner Prof. Francesco Paolo Tronca, also features Épee Fencers Maria Navarria and Giulia Rizzi (Gold Medal at Paris 2024), two-times World Champion and Olympic Silver Medal (Men’s Épee Team) Paolo Pizzo, and Master Sandro Resegotti, former Olympic Champion and Gold Medal Winner (Men’s Épee Team) in 1989 Denver and 1990 Lyon World Championships, and also Gold Collar for Sporting Merit in 2019.

  • CARCINOMA MAMMARIO: EVOLUZIONE DEL PANORAMA TERAPEUTICO - OPZIONI E CRITERI DI SCELTA (Mammary Carcinoma: Evolution of the Therapeutic Overview - Options and Selection Criteria), October 4th-6th, Gamma Congressi, Capri. Renzo Musumeci Greco and Novella Calligaris are the ambassadors of the convention, with speeches about how Sports is important for prevention and treatment of oncological diseases. Also present at the convention are many Italian and international oncology luminaries.

  • 5TH NATIONAL ART SCHOOLS BIENNIAL, October 2nd, "Aldo Moro" Hall, Ministry of Education, Rome. The Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco, in the person of President Renzo Musumeci Greco, is in the jury for awarding the winning artworks of the contest, in which take part over two-hundred Italian high schools and twenty-one high schools from all over the world.

  • COMBATTIMENTO. SÌ, MA SCENICO! L’ATTORE E LA SPADA (Fighting. Yes, But On Stage! The Actor And The Sword), September 25th-November 2nd, stage-fencing workshop at "Villa Lazzaroni" Theatre and "Fondamenta" School of Acting in Rome.

  • 14th EDITION OF A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA - MEMORIAL ENZO MUSUMECI GRECO (“By the Edge of The Sword - Fencing Marathon - Memorial Enzo Musumeci Greco”), September 14th, piazza della Rotonda, Rome. Hundreds of fencers, Champions and Academy’s pupils, able-bodied, blind and in-a-wheelchair athletes, perform extraordinary fencing assaults in front of the Pantheon for a night about Sports and Inclusion. Hosted by Renzo Musumeci Greco and Novella Calligaris, special guests are Undersecretary of Defense Isabella Rauti, President of Culture Committee Federico Mollicone, Capitoline Assembly President Svetlana Celli, 2008 Olympic Gold Medal Matteo Tagliariol, 2024 Paralympic Bronze Medals Loredana Trigilia and Edoardo Giordan and many other Institutional Authorities and Fencing Champions. The event was broadcasted by Rai News 24 and photo reported by Associated Press.

  • PRESS CONFERENCE 14TH EDITION OF A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA, September 13th, Presidents Hall, CONI, Rome. President Renzo Musumeci Greco introduces the 14th edition of fencing marathon A Fil di Spada in the presence of reporters and institutional authorities.

  • LUISS CLASS, July 8th, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco gives a lecture about Fencing and Marketing.

  • ONCOLOGIA TRA OSPEDALE E TERRITORIO - PREVENZIONE, CURA, ASSISTENZA, RICERCA, NUOVI ORIZZONTI E NUOVE OPPORTUNITÀ ("Oncology Between Hospital and Territory - Prevention, Treatment, Assistance, Research, New Horizons And Opportunities"), June 7th, Chamber of Deputies, San Macuto Palace, Cristallo Hall, Capranichetta Congress Hall, Rome. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, together with Novella Calligaris, is one of the speakers for the congress about proper lifestyle in the section "More Sport, More Wellness, More Life".

  • MUOVERSI INSIEME SENZA LIMITI ("Moving Together Without Limits"), June 5th, "Emilio Sereni" Agricultural Technical Institute, Rome. In the occasion of the third edition of Multisport VI Municipio, the biggest sporting event in the 6th Township of Rome, the Emilio Sereni Institute hosts a sporting performance in which the kids of the "Fencing Without Limits" project also take part. Minister of Youth and Sport Andrea Abodi is a special guest of the event.

  • "LUCIANO MARTA" SPORTS AWARD, May 23rd, Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome. “NOI” Association confers Master Renzo Musumeci Greco the "Luciano Marta" Sports Award, bestowed to people who have distinguished themselves for their professional and community commitment in Sports, Journalism, Healthcare, Social Sphere, Culture and Solidarity.

  • EUROPEAN "MUSEUMS' NIGHT" (May 18th), Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco, Rome. The yearly event of European Museums’ Night is dedicated to the Swordmaster figure and its work in the World of Entertainment, especially in Cinema, with Ridley Scott’s House of Gucci experience on set. As well as the exciting assaults of Paralympic fencers in a wheelchair, some of the young pupils of Rome’s School of Acting "Fondamenta" perform an awesome stage duel in front of the Pantheon and inside the House Museum, all set by Musumeci Greco’s Academy Swordmasters.

  • GLADIATOR’S ACADEMY TOURNAMENT, April 20th, Circo Massimo, Rome. In the occasion of the Birth of Rome, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is part of the jury which evaluates the Gladiator’s Academy Tournament participants who attend the event.

  • LA SCHERMA, FIORE ALL’OCCHIELLO DELL’ITALIA (Fencing, Italy’s Flagship), April 10th-23rd, Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco, Rome. In the occasion of National "Made in Italy" Day, the Academy opens its doors to a week of fencing Open Days inside the historical Pantheon House-Museum.

  • L'ARTE DELLE SPADE (The Swords’ Art), February 21st, Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco, Rome. Theoretical-practical fencing internship held by Massimo Salcito and Renzo Musumeci Greco in order to study and stage Claudio Monteverdi’s Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at “Fondamenta” Acting School in Rome.


  • FENCING PERFORMANCE AT THE MUSEUM, December 3rd, Terme di Diocleziano Museum, Rome. In the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, during the weekend of December 2nd and 3rd, Rome’s Museo Nazionale Romano sets up a series of ventures and activities by Educational Service, dedicated to all people with disabilities, with free guided tours. Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco is there with amazing fencing performances by Paralympic and able-bodied Champions, and open trials for everyone.

  • L'ATTORE E LA SPADA (“The Actor and the Sword"), October 21st, Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco. An intensive stage-fencing workshop held by Master Renzo Musumeci Greco in the occasion of the 18th Rome Film Festival, with 20 actors and actresses who, starting from the stage-combat fundamentals, are able to improve their duel skills in just one day.

  • TUMORE DELLA MAMMELLA E GRAVIDANZA: TRA PREVENZIONE E NUOVE OPPORTUNITÀ (“Breast Cancer and Pregnancy: Between Prevention and New Oppotunities”), October 17-18th, Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Rome. Renzo Musumeci Greco and Novella Calligaris are the ambassadors of the convention, organized by Medical and Interventional Radiology Italian Society.

  • CARCINOMA DELLA MAMMELLA - NUOVI ORIZZONTI E NUOVE OPPORTUNITÀ (“Breast Carcinoma - New Horizons and Opportunities”), October 6-8th, Capri. Renzo Musumeci Greco and Novella Calligaris are Ambassadors of the convention, very successfully organized by Cecilia Nisticò and Paolo Pronzato, with their speeches about the importance of Sports and regular exercise for a healthy lifestyle. Congress attended by many oncology luminaries and video intervention by actors Carlo Verdone and Alessio Boni.

  • 13th EDITION OF A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA - MEMORIAL ENZO MUSUMECI GRECO ("By the Edge of The Sword - Fencing Marathon - Memorial Enzo Musumeci Greco"), September 16th, piazza della Rotonda, Rome. Hundreds of fencers, Champions and Academy’s pupils, able-bodied and in a wheelchair, perform extraordinary fencing assaults in front of the Pantheon for a night about Sports and Inclusion. Hosted by Renzo Musumeci Greco, special guests are Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele, President of "Terzo Pilastro - Internazionale" Foundation, Sport Assessor Alessandro Onorato, President of Culture Committee Federico Mollicone, Italian Fencing Federation President Paolo Azzi, Capitoline Assembly President Svetlana Celli, Sport & Salute President Marco Mezzaroma, Diana Bianchedi, Elisa Di Francisca, Aida Mohamed, Davide and Damiano Di Veroli and many more. The event was broadcast by TG1 and TG2000.

  • FENCING AT THE MUSEUM - TERME DI DIOCLEZIANO. In season 2023-34 the Musumeci Greco’s Academy begins its partnership with Museo Nazionale Romano in order to introduce fencing inside museum areas. The first “gym” opens in Terme di Diocleziano Museum, three days a week, for fencers of all age, both Paralympic and able-bodied.

  • "WISHAKESPEARE” (July 5th-16th), Bergamo. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is one of the main teacher of a Masterclass at summer yearly workshop  for actors “Wishakespeare”, fully dedicated to William Shakespeare. This workshop is divided into two parts: “Work In Shakespeare”, in which actors attend classes for acting improvement and stage fencing in order to learn duel basics; and “Walk in Shakespeare”, in which they make use of what they’ve learned through happenings and “theatrical routes”, also intended to expand and incorporate technical skills and abilities of the actors-attendant.

  • TROPEA FILM FESTIVAL (June 28th), Tropea (Calabria). Master Renzo Musumeci Greco holds a Stage Fencing Masterclass for young actors.

  • "I MUSUMECI GRECO NELLO SPETTACOLO" (June 12th), Reale Circolo Canottieri Tevere Remo, Rome. Projection of montage Duelli Celebri and other show business videos. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco tells his family’s history in the Show Business since 1913 through videos, tales from behind the scenes, display of original prop swords and a brief demonstration of "duel motions".

  • "SPORT & FUN - UNITI, PIÙ ENERGIA, PIÙ SCUOLA" (June 12th), I. C. Claudio Abbado, Elementary School "Ermenegildo Pistelli", Rome. Fencing performance of young pupils and the Accademia Musumeci Greco’s fencer Champions.

  • "LE GIORNATE DELLA LUCE" (June 10th), Spilimbergo (Italy). Renzo Musumeci Greco is a special guest of the festival which celebrates Cinematography  and Cinema Masters. The show includes a public performance of agonistic fencers and projection of Duelli celebri montage, as well as display of pictures and anecdotes  of Show Business’ backstage storytelling.

  • VISCONTINO’S "WHITE NIGHT" (June 6th), I. C. Ennio Quirino Visconti, "E. Gianturco" complex, Rome. Fencing performance of young pupils and the Accademia Musumeci Greco’s fencer Champions on the roof of the Elementary School.

  • ACADEMY’S SUMMER CLOSING PARTY (May 29th), Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco (Prati Branch), Rome. With the occasion of the summer break, the Academy welcomes Italian rapper Gemello for a special concert at Prati Branch.

  • PRIZE-GIVING OF “RACCONTI D’ARTE” ART COMPETITION (May 25th), Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco, Rome. The contest, organized in partnership with Santa Maria Sopra Minerva “San Domenico” lay frat, involves Italian high schools, and it’s about the realization of prose, poetry and figurative art works inspired by a Medieval Art artifact, or by mere figurative art works, which re-elaborate Casa Museo-Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco’s emblem, artwork by Duilio Cambellotti.

  • "THE ACTOR AND THE SWORD" WORKSHOP (May 19th-20th-21st), SRC - Scuola di Recitazione della Calabria, Cittanova (Reggio Calabria, Italy). Master Renzo Musumeci Greco sets up and leads an intense 10-hour workshop in which attendees are taught the basics of Olympic Fencing and pre-acrobatic techinques of Stage Fencing, as well as a series of theoretical lessons focused on fencing techniques in different historical eras.

  • "FENCING AND CULTURE" 2023 (May 16th), Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Rome. The third step of project “Scherma Senza Limiti” satellite initiative is set in one of the most beautiful museums in Rome, with about a hundred disabled kids, who first did a very interesting tour (guided by our Masters, their tutor and Museo Nazionale Romano Educational Service); and afterwards performed many fencing assaults among antique Roman marbles and statues. Special guest of the day, Italian actor Alessio Boni, named “Project Ambassador” on the occasion and honored by a plaque. The event is followed and broadcasted by Rai News 24 and a correspondent from newspaper Il Messaggero.

  • EUROPEAN “MUSEUMS’ NIGHT” (May 13th), Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco, Rome. An evening all dedicated to Academy’s founder, Salvatore Greco dei Chiaramonte, Garibaldian Hero and prominent figure of Modern History, with reading of inspiring historical selections by Mirella Bordoni, Davide Mazzella, Mauro Mercatali, Eleonora Mercuri, Andrea Miccoli, Massimiliano Pazzaglia, evocative vocal interpretations (among which Giuseppe Verdi’s aria Va’ Pensiero) by singer Simona Flavio, and magnificent fencing exhibitions by Paralympic Champion Edoardo Giordan with former World Military Champion Gabriele Foschini. The event is followed and broadcasted by Rai Sport.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at “Fondamenta” Acting School, in Rome.



  • IV EDITION OF “CITTÀ DI VELLETRI” FILM CAREER AWARD, November 18th, “R. Trenta” Auditorium, Casa delle Culture e della Musica, Velletri. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco receives the prestigious award. Other award-winnings are Daniela Cecchini, Angela D’Aguanno, Blasco Giurato, Graziano Marraffa, Stefano Reali, Andrea Roncato and Flora Vona. Guest of honor is sports legend Novella Calligaris.

  • CINA-ITALIA: AMICI ALL’OPERA (“China-Italy: Friends at the Opera”), October 31st, Ghione Theatre, Rome. Italy-China Stage Fencing Masterclass. Event organized by Virna Sforza (Opera Professor), with Renzo Musumeci Greco (Sword Master), Eleonora Pacetti (Vocal Coach) and Stefano Sovrani (Orchestra Leader).

  • L'ATTORE E LA SPADA ("The Actor and the Sword"), October 22th. In the occasion of the 17th edition o the Rome Film Festival, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco picks 14 young actors and actresses for a free stage fencing masterclass in the salle d'armes of the Academy. Attended also by Carlo Brancaleoni, Pino Quartullo, Marco Fichera, Marta Bifano, Gloria De Antoni; video contribution by Alessio Boni and Carlo Verdone.

  • PRESENTATION OF THE BOOK "IL CUORE DENTRO ALLE SCARPE - SPORT E STORIE A ROMA" by Francesco Longo, September 23rd, Sala Graziella Lonardi Buontempo, MAXXI, Rome. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, to whom book's chapter 51 "Cavaliere sabaudo" is dedicated (in which the author also talks about Musumeci Greco's Academy), attends the event and gives a speech.

  • A FIL DI SPADA - I MUSUMECI GRECO A DUELLO COL CINEMA ("By the Edge of The Sword - The Musumeci Grecos' Duel With Cinema"), September 17th, 18th, 19th, Rome's "Casa del Cinema". A three-days Film Festival with 8 italian movies played to honor Musumeci Grecos' work of Swordmaster on the silver screen. Within the planned movies are the three masterpieces Il Deserto dei Tartari (Valerio Zurlini, 1976), Io, Don Giovanni (Carlos Saura, 2009) and L’innocente (Luchino Visconti, 1976). All evening showings are opened by the astounding fencing performances by able-bodied and disabled Champions. Special guests are Alberto Anile, Novella Calligaris, Caterina D’Amico, Laura Delli Colli, Giorgio Gosetti, Andrea Morricone, Evelina Nazzari, Mariano Rigillo, Emanuele Salce, Fabrizio Storaro, Enrico Vanzina, Carlo Verdone, Eddie Viola.

  • 12th EDITION OF A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA - MEMORIAL ENZO MUSUMECI GRECO ("By the Edge of The Sword - Fencing Marathon - Memorial Enzo Musumeci Greco"), September 11th, piazza della Rotonda, Rome. World Fecning Champions, able-bodied and in a wheelchair, perform spectacular fencing assaults in front of the Pantheon, in an evening about Sport and Inclusion, in the occasion of World's Fencing Day. Hosted by Renzo Musumeci Greco and Novella Calligaris, special guest Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele, President of “Terzo Pilastro - Internazionale” foundation, Sport Assessor Alessandro Onorato, Special Superintendent of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Rome Daniela Porro, Diana Bianchedi, Elisa Di Francisca, Alessandro Bossalini, Luigi Mazzone, Sandro Cuomo, Valerio Aspromonte, Pietro Miele, Edoardo Giordan, Davide and Damiano Di Veroli, Francesca Facioni, Alessandro Di Agostino, Michele Maffei, Maurizio Randazzo, Giovanni Sirovich, Lorenzo Roma, Sandro Resegotti, Stefano Pantano, Tommaso Dentico, Gabriele Foschini, Cristiano Imparato, Giuliano Pianca, Alfredo Rota, Alessia Di Carlo, Riccardo Gagliardi, Sofia Ciaraglia and many more. The event was  broadcasted  by Rai Sport and published by "Il Messaggero" daily newspaper.

  • DUELLI, CHE PASSIONE! LE ARMI E GLI AMORI DAL 1913 AL 2022 ("Duels, What a Passion! Weapons and Loves from 1913 to 2022"), August 18th, Casina dei Mille, Melito di Porto Salvo (RC). Renzo Musumeci Greco is the main guest of the evening meeting, talking about Casa Museo Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco, of “Scherma Senza Limiti” project, supported by “Terzo Pilastro - Internazionale” foundation and about the Swordmaster job in Show Business of Musumeci Greco's family from 1913 until today.
  • NARNIA FESTIVAL, July 19th, Narni. Attendance to the Festival on the occasion of honouring Novella Calligaris with the Silver Lion for Lifetime Achievement.
  • MASTER OF ART BUSINESS SCHOOL, July 12th, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco gives a lecture about fundraising and House-Museum "Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco" together with professor Graziano Curri.

  • “ROME'S "NIGHT OF THE MUSEUMS", May 14th, Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco, Rome. In the centennial of the "Duel of the Century" (1922) between Aurelio Greco and Candido Sassone, the Academy celebrates the event with a reading of the newspaper articles of that time and the duel's chronicle, and its historical reconstruction inside the salle d'armes, too, along with live fencing assaults by our wheelchair Champions. To shoot this event, there will also be a film crew from TG1 newscast.

  • "SPORT AND PEACE” CONVENTION, April 6th, Chamber of Deputies. For the "International Sports for Peace Development Day", Congresswoman Giusy Versace (Department of Sports, Equal Opportunities and Disabilities) sets up a series of speeches in which Sports, Politics, Journalism and other associations personalities talk about how Sports could be a means of peace and social inclusion. Speeches by Renzo Musumeci Greco, Valentina Vezzali (Under-Secretary of Sports), Giovanni Malagò (CONI), Luca Pancalli (CIP), Gianni Gola (CISM) and many others. Chaired by Carlo Paris.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at “Fondamenta” Acting School, in Rome.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.


  • IL TEMPO DEL CUORE. IL GALATEO DELLE DONNE IMPERFETTE, November 25th, "Circolo Parioli", Rome. Book launch by journalist and writer Elvia Frojo with a debate and speech by Master Renzo Musumeci Greco.

  • CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION, October 26th, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco gives a lecture to an audience formed by students from all around the world. The lecture is about business models in Sports, Show Business and House-Museum "Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco".

  • DAL SET ALLA PEDANA - MUSICA E SCHERMA: CENT’ANNI DI ARMONIA (From the Set to the Strip - Music and Fencing: 100 Years of Harmony), October 23rd, Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco. A Rome Film Festival 2021 event, inside of the "Risonanze" (Resonances) section. Fencing assaults between in a wheelchair and able-bodied Champions, and screening of 1913's silent movie L'assalto fatale (The Deadly Assalut), by italian director Gerolamo Lo Savio, with Agesilao Greco as the main character. The movie has been restored by the "Cineteca di Bologna". Piano accompaniment by Jandomusic, on piano Roberto Tarenzi. Hosted by Novella Calligaris and Renzo Musumeci Greco, speciali guests Daniele Luchetti, Fabrizio Storaro, Lorenzo Codelli, Serena Gamberoni, Virna Sforza, Francesco Meli, Elena Bouryka, Pier Carlo Padoan, Mirella Bordoni, Cristian Mini, Valerio Lundini, Giovanni Sirovich. The event is broadcasted by Rai News 24.

  • 11th Edition of A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA - MEMORIAL ENZO MUSUMECI GRECO ("By the Edge of The Sword - Fencing Marathon - Memorial Enzo Musumeci Greco"), September 12th, in Rome, piazza della Rotonda. World Fecning Champions, able-bodied and in a wheelchair, perform spectacular fencing assaults in front of the Pantheon, in an evening about Sport and inclusiveness, in the occasion of World's Fencing Day. Hosted by Renzo Musumeci Greco and Novella Calligaris, special guest Vito Cozzoli, President of Sport & Salute. The event is broadcasted by Rai News 24, while other media are on the spot, too.

  • IL MESTIERE DELLE ARMI (The Trade of Weapons), September 3rd, Calvi Festival, Teatro dei Giardini del Monastero, Calvi. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is honored with an award-plate for his Sword Master's work in Show Business. Showing of the montage Duelli celebri, a lot of funny anecdotes, prop weapons' exhibition and a special invitation for the audience: they can join the Sword Master on stage in order to fence themselves against each other.

  • DUELLI, CHE SPETTACOLO! (Duels, What a Show!), July 16th, Narnia Festival, San Domenico Auditorium, Narni. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco hosts a captivating meeting in which he talks about Sword Master's profession to the Festival's audience. Showing of the montage Duelli celebri and live display of scenic duels, performed with opera singers and actors.


  • DALLA PEDANA AL SET - 100 ANNI DI CAPPA & SPADA (From the Platform to the Set - 100 years of Swashbuckling), October 17th and 18th, Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco, Rome. Rome Movies Festival Event, in the "Risonanze" section. Two days about Fencing and Cinema, hosted by Renzo Musumeci Greco and Novella Calligaris: live fencing assaults between able-bodied and disabled athletes, tales of many silver screen's behind-the-scenes anectodes and the showing of a montage which consists of some of the most famous duels set by Musumeci Greco's family, from 1913 to this day, edited by Enzo Musumeci Greco Jr.

  • 10th Edition of A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA - MEMORIAL ENZO MUSUMECI GRECO - WORLD'S FENCING DAY ("By the Edge of The Sword - Fencing Marathon - Memorial Enzo Musumeci Greco - World's Fencing Day"), Semptember 12th, Piazza della Rotonda (Pantheon), Rome. Able-bodied and disabled World Fencing Champions do live assaults in front of one of the World's most popular monuments. An evening about Sport and Culture, hosted by Renzo Musumeci Greco and Novella Calligaris; special guest Italian Fencing Federation's President, Giorgio Scarso.



  • CONVEGNO “NOI DIVERSAMENTE UGUALI” - FAMIGLIA, LAVORO, SOCIETÀ ("Us, Differently Alike - Family, Work, Society" Conference), June 13th,  "Giorgio Gaber" Auditorium, Milan. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco (Sport and Disability: the “Scherma Senza Limiti” project) and Novella Calligaris (Olympics and Paralympics: the challenge of Milano-Cortina 2026's selection) participate in the conference.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.


  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at Naples' "Teatro Stabile".


  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at Naples' "Teatro Stabile"....

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Teatro di Roma".

  • "105 ANNI DI SPETTACOLO" ("105 years of Show Business") - From 1913, with Agesilao Greco, by way of Enzo and then Renzo Musumeci Greco, with Giancarlo Giannini, Michele Placido and Liliana Cavani.


  • VIDEOCITTÁ - "Ex Dogana", Rome. "100 Years of Duels and Fights in the Show Business". With Enzo Musumeci Greco and Guglielmo Lello.

  • FENCING AND CULTURE - Tour at "Palazzo Altemps for the disabled fencer of “Scherma Senza Limiti” project, with Foundation “Terzo Pilastro - Internazionale” support. Guest of honor is Carlo Verdone.

  • ITALIA - RUSSIA RECITAL, at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia" in Rome. With Giancarlo Giannini.



  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at Naples' "Teatro Stabile".

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at Toscana's Resident Theatre, "La Pergola" of Firenze.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • IL SORRISO DELLE DONNE IMPERFETTE, presentation of the book by writer and journalist Elvira Frojo, with speech by Master Renzo Musumeci Greco.


  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at Naples' "Teatro Stabile".

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at Toscana's Resident Theatre, "La Pergola" of Firenze.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • CALTAGIRONE RICORDA AGESILAO GRECO A 150 ANNI DALLA NASCITA (Caltagirone commemorates Agesilao Greco 150 years after his death) - Agesilao Greco's Anniversary celebrate in Caltagirone's Municipio Square. Participants: Renzo Musumeci Greco, Gino Ioppolo (Mayor of Caltagirone), Giorgio Scarso (FIS President), Sebastiano Manzoni (President of the Sicily Fencing Regional Committee), Massimo Porta ("Accademia d’Armi A. Greco - Caltagirone"'s President).


  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • 9th Edition of A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA ("By the Edge of The Sword - Fencing Marathon"), September 12th, via dei Fori Imperiali (Colosseum), Rome. Hosted by Novella Calligaris and Renzo Musumeci Greco; with the support of "Terzo Pilastro - Italia and Mediterraneo" Foundation.



  • 8th Edition of A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA ("By the Edge of The Sword - Fencing Marathon"), September 13th, via dei Fori Imperiali (Mercati Traianei), Rome. President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano Representative Medal, 4th Edition of "The Fencing Marathon - Fencing Without Limits", with the support of "Terzo Pilastro - Italia and Mediterraneo" Foundation. Hosted by Novella Calligaris and Renzo Musumeci Greco.

  • ABC THINKING OF SPORTS - European University of Rome - "The Noble Disciple of Fencing".

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.


  • 7th Edition of A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA ("By the Edge of The Sword - Fencing Marathon"), July 13th, Lungotevere Castello, Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome. 3rd Edition of the Fencing Marathon: President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano Representative Medal. Artistic direction by Renzo Musumeci Greco; Artistic collaboration: Pino Quartullo. Hosted by Tania Zamparo. Official Partner: Lotto Game.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.


  • MANTICA FESTIVAL of "Raffaello Sanzio" Societas, October 5th, Cesena. "The time of the space between the words", created by Chiara Guidi, with Renzo Musumeci Greco (fencing), Giuseppe Ielasi (music), Enrico Malatesta (percussion instruments). Fencing stage with actors/fencers.

  • FENCING FESTIVAL AT QUIRINO THEATRE, September 22nd, Rome -  2nd Edition: A big festival about show business and sport, with launch of future projects and recollection of past successes, photo and video projections, and a lot of recognition. A two-hours meeting between fencers, politicians, show-business and culture guests, dedicated to Olympic Fencers who won a medal in London Olympic Games. To mark the occasion, the City of Rome rewards some medalists at Mayor Gianni Alemanno's presence. Guests of honor are Aldo Montano and Luigi Samele, Sabre-Team champions, Dino Gasperini, Councillor for Cultural Policy, and many more.

  • "L'USO E IL MANEGGIO DELLA SPADA. ARTE E SCIENZA" ("The sword's use and handling. Art and Science"), July 30th, Montepulciano. Masterclass at Contucci Palace, in which Master at Arms Renzo Musumeci Greco gives a lecture which gives itself the name to the feature. Directed by Fabio Sparvoli.

  • MUSICAL EUROPA FESTIVAL, July 18-22nd. Original idea by Gianni Togni. The best of the world of musical comedy reunites on Palariviera's stage in San Benedetto del Tronto. As well as famous guests shows, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco and Marina Ganassin offer the audience an amazing performance to the tune of The Phantom of the Opera.

  • 6th Edition of A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA ("By the Edge of The Sword - Fencing Marathon"), June 9th, Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome. 2nd Edition of the Fencing Marathon: President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano Representative Medal, hosted by Paola Saluzzi and Renzo Musumeci Greco. Artistic direction by Renzo Musumeci Greco; Creative direction by Maria Pia D'Arienzo; Cinematographer: Daniele Nannuzzi; Music by Francesco Cara; Directed for television by Aldo Sarullo.

  • I TRE MOSCHETTIERI 3D IN DVD (The Three Musketeers 3D in DVD), April 6th, Galleria Colonna, Rome. Fencing flash mob inside Rome's Galleria Colonna, in front of Feltrinelli bookstore, on the occasion of DVD launch. To the sword, 20 frenzied Musketeers: Giovanni Archetti, Stefano Arnodo, Andrea Bartolucci, Pietro Becattini, Flaminia Canichella, Vittorio De Antoni, Tullio De Santis, Eugenio D’Orazio, Martina Ganassin, Enrico Malatesta, Fabio Miraldi, Domenico Musumeci Greco, Luca Pignotti, Michele Pirrazzo, Lorenzo Praticò, Valentina Salvino, Eleonora Torcia, Andrea Valentini and Camilla Van Staaden, all led by Master Renzo Musumeci Greco. Special Guest, Aldo Montano.

  • "ENZO MUSUMECI GRECO - IL MAESTRO D'ARMI" ("Enzo Musumeci Greco - The Master at Arms"), March 31st. Closing event for the Centennial of Master-at-Arms' birth. One hour of cinema, duels and stories at Rome's "Casa del Cinema".

  • HEART & FASHION, March 21st, Grand Hotel, Rome. On this occasion, 6 fencers, led by Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, become models and special guest of a "Fashion for charity" event at Rome's Grand Hotel. As fencers who "walk the catwalk", Martina Ganassin, Domenico Musumeci Greco, Fabrizio Verrone, Stefano Arnodo, Luca Pignotti and Michele Pirrazzo.

  • "IN PUNTA DI PENNA" ("On pen's tip"), March 16th. An afternoon about Pelikan free gifts delivery and the launch of the official calendar, with Riccardo Abbondanza's amazing photos. Moreover, an outstanding backstage developed and set up by Maria Pia d'Arienzo.

  • "DUELS IN THE SHOW BUSINESS" SEMINAR, February 14th, RUFA - Rome University of Fine Arts. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco meets Carmine Fornari and Elisabetta Villaggio with RUFA students.

  • "LA SCHERMA E L'ATTORE" ("The Fencing and the Actor"), fencing class at AIAD - Accademia Internazionale d'Arte Drammatica managed by Alvaro Picardi for Quirino Theatre, with support of Fondazione Roma. Initiative supported also by Geppy Gleijeses and Professor Emmanuele F. M. Emanuele, who acknowledged the importance of Fencing in the actor's education. The class is teached by Master Renzo Musumeci Greco.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.


  • REVEAL OF THE MEMORIAL PLAQUE dedicated to Enzo Musumeci Greco, December 12th, Accademia d'Armi Musumeci Greco, Rome. The ceremony was attended by Councillor for Culture Dino Gasperini and the Commissioner for Cultural Heritage Umberto Broccoli, as well as many other authorities. In the centennial of Enzo Musumeci Greco's birth, the city of Rome felt it was appropriate to commemorate him by a memorial plaque affixed on via del Seminario building's facade, historical branch of our Fencing Academy.

  • "DUELS IN THE SHOW BUSINESS" SEMINAR, November, "Roma 3" University. Students from the Science Education department and their professor Gianfranco Bartalotta meet with Master Renzo Musumeci Greco.

  • "AVREBBERO CENT'ANNI" ("They Would Have 100 Years"), June 17th, Florence. Remembrance arranged by Councillor for Culture of Florence District Carla Fracci, event in which the District pays homage to 20 italian citizens who, in 2011, would have had 100 years, among which there's Enzo Musumeci Greco.

  • 5th Edition of A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA ("By the Edge of The Sword - Fencing Marathon"), June 11th, Piazza Capranica, Rome. In this 5th Edition, from 12am to 8pm the marathon is managed by the students/actors of Rome's experimental cinema center; from 8pm to 12pm is instead managed by Renzo Musumeci Greco and TV host Paola Saluzzi. The event is attended by more than 300 fencers, among which there are some World Champions, such as Matteo Tagliariol, Paolo Pizzo, Martino Minuto, Valerio Aspromonte, Claudia Pigliapoco, Ilaria Salvatori, Michele Maffei, Pierluigi Chicca, Aldo Montano e Margherita Granbassi. Enzo Musumeci Greco's memorial designed by Mimmo Paladino presented to Giancarlo Giannini. With Pino Quartullo, Enrico Montesano, Massimiliano Pazzaglia, Antonello Fassari, Massimo Cimaglia e Geppi Gleijeses. Artistic Director: Renzo Musumeci Greco; directed for television by Aldo Sarullo. With the support of "Roma Terzo Settore" Foundation.

  • LA FESTA DELLA SCHERMA AL TEATRO QUIRINO (Fencing Festival at Quirino Theatre), Rome. Press conference and performance in order to introduce future projects and successes of the past, photo and video projection, and many awards.

  • “ARMI ANTICHE ALLA BIBLIOTECA NAZIONALE” ("Antique Weapons at the National Library"), introducing a utility for the research and investigation about antique weapons' subject, from source until legislation, duels and fencing. Participants: Osvaldo Avallone, Clemente Marigliani and Master Renzo Musumeci Greco.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • "MATERA CITTÀ APERTA" ("Matera, an open city"), Renzo Musumeci Greco and Margherita Granbassi fence in a video to promote tourism in Basilicata District.

  • "STORARO - SCRIVERE CON LA LUCE" ("Storaro - Writing with the light"), Vincenzo and Fabrizio Storaro with Renzo Musumeci Greco are Antonio and Maria Pia D'Arienzo's guest at Technicolor Production. Conference by award-winning DOP Vittorio Storaro with the screening of the film Io, Don Giovanni (2009), directed by Carlos Saura.


  • I PROMESSI SPOSI AL DUOMO DI MILANO ("The Betrothed" at Milan's Duomo) - Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, Lorenzo Praticò and Cristian Mini, all black-tie, sing a preview of the musical opera I Promessi Sposi, in the presence of Archbishop Tettamanzi and an audience of 5000. The event was broadcast live on Rai 3 - Regione Lombardia.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • "ZORRO PER UNA SETTIMANA" ("Zorro for a Week"), July 5th-9th, Rome Fiction Fest. Renzo Musumeci Greco, with Martina Ganassin, Irene Ive, Daniela Marzano, Maurizio Lanni and Lorenzo Praticò, holds a fencing class for kids in Castel Sant'Angelo's gardens.

  • 2010 CONTEST "AUTORI NEL CASSETTO, ATTORI SUL COMÒ" ("Authors in the drawer, actors on the dresser"), from an idea by Alberto Bassetti. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is part of the jury with Mita Medici and Paolo Triestino.

  • GRANGALAIL, Montesilvano (Pescara)'s Palacongressi. Charity Ball in support of AIL (Leukemia Italian Association). Giò di Tonno's gig, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is the "dueling" guest of honor.


  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • LAUNCH OF CARAVAGGIO RAI DVD at Feltrinelli bookstore, Galleria Colonna, Rome. Participating in the event Alessio Boni, Angelo Longoni, Ida di Benedetto, Marta Bifano, Vittorio Maria de Bonis, Maurizio Marini and Renzo Musumeci Greco. 

  • "LAGUNAMOVIES" FESTIVAL, August 11th, Grado (Gorizia). Meeting "Duelli di Celluloide, da Maniago a Holllywood" ("Celluloid Duels, from Maniago to Hollywood") hosted by film critic Elisa Grando, with ancient weapons manufacturer Fulvio del Tin, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco and "Malleus" Brotherhood-in-Arms of Palmanova.


  • 2008 CONVENTIO “L'INNOVAZIONE CULTURALE SPORTIVA A SERVIZIO DELL'UOMO” ("The Cultural Sports Innovation at the Service of Humans"), June 19th, Musumeci Greco Academy, Rome. Annual conference of Lazio's Sports School professors and experts, organized by CONI in partnership with Musumeci Greco's Arms Academy, UNICEF, Sincert. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, professor Vittorio Maria de Bonis and Master Dario Spampinato talk about subject of "Sports in Show Business: the language of weapons".

  • 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF NATIONAL DANCE ACADEMY, June 5th, 6th and 7th. The Academy students perform "The Fencing Kids", by Master Renzo Musumeci Greco.

  • RUMORI FUORI SCENA (Noises Off), May 7th, Parioli Theatre, Rome, hosted by Paola Saluzzi and Renzo Musumeci Greco. With Benedetta Parroni, Maria Agnino, Alessandra Pelagallo, Domina Maraini, Giovanna Salza, Veronica Cavatorta, Barbara Tuccimei, Cristiana Morelli and Flaminia Valle Fortebracci.

  • 4th Edition of A FIL DI SPADA - ASPETTANDO PECHINO ("By the Edge of The Sword - Waiting for Beijing"), March 12th, Brancaccio Theatre, Rome. 4th International Fencing Tournament hosted by Antonio Stornaiolo with Renzo Musumeci Greco, directed for television by Aldo Sarullo. With Aldo Montano, Giampiero Pastore, Luigi Samele, Wang Jingzhi, Zhong Man, Zhou Hanmining, Daniela Fazzolari and Chantal Cidonio. With the extraordinary participation of Margherita Granbassi. With Tai Chi Chuan artists/athletes Master Mario Mandrà, Master Laura Autru Brandimarti, Valeria Sanna, Chiara Satta, Andrea Mandelli and Andrea Bonifacini. Main sponsor: Lancia Automobiles.

  • “QUANDO LA SCHERMA FA SPETTACOLO - INCONTRI D’ECCEZIONE: CARAVAGGIO, DAL PENNELLO ALLA SPADA” ("When Fencing is Spectacle - Exceptional Encounters: Caravaggio, from the brush to the sword), February 10th, Rome. Alessio Boni is Renzo Musumeci Greco and Paola Saluzzi's special guest.

  • "FENCING-ENTERTAINMENT" AWARD CEREMONY, Women's Épée World's Cup, February 9th, Rome. On February 28th took place the event press conference, in Campidoglio's "Sala dell'Arazzo".

  • UNIVERSITY MASTER IN SPORTS PLANNING AND SOCIOLOGY, February 9th, Rome. Organized by Professor Franco Ascani, from "Bicocca" University of Milan, in partnership with Rome's Finance Police. Speech by Master Renzo Musumeci Greco.

  • DEBATE ABOUT THE LAST LEGION MOVIE, February 6th, Feltrinelli Bookshop, Rome. Valerio Massimo Manfredi and Renzo Musumeci Greco meet the audience. Event moderator: Maurizio Giammusso.

  • THE LAST LEGION DVD LAUNCH, February 5th, Rome. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco, along with acrobat/actors Marco Circhirillo and Nicolo Di Ricco, stages the movie duels in via del Corso, in Rome, at Mondadori Multicenter.

  • PRESENTATION OF GARZANTINA DELLO SPORT ENCYCLOPEDIA, at Musumeci Greco's Academy. Encyclopedia edited by  Marco Franzelli, Antonio Ghirelli and Luca Pancalli. Curators: Claudio Ferretti and Augusto Frasca. Event hosted by Master Renzo Musumeci Greco. Participation by special guest star Nino Benvenuti, Piero D’Inzeo, Giulio Glorioso, Michele Maffei, Giampiero Pastore and many more.

  • LE 82 GIORNATE DI CIVITAVECCHIA (The 82 days of Civitavecchia), historical reconstruction directed by Pino Quartullo and Renzo Musumeci Greco. With the involvement of Gabriele Borruto, Ruggero Busetti, Massimo Cimaglia, Vittorio Maria de Bonis, Emanuele di Giosafatte,  Marina Furegon, Martina Ganassin, Stefano Giommoni, Nicolò Merendino, Cristina Montesi, Enzo Musumeci Greco, Francesco Eugenio Negro, Franco Pavoncello, Lorenzo Praticò, Massimiliano Scafi, Dario Spampinato.

  • FESTIVAL DELL'INCANTO 2008 (Enchantement Festival 2008), 4th Edition of the Enchantement Festival in Saliceto (CU). With Lorenzo Ruffo, Maurizio Donadoni, Andra Battistini and other famous guests.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at National Dance Academy, in Rome.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • IUSM – INAUGURATION OF 2008/2009 ACADEMIC YEAR, special guests, fencers Pietro Becattini, Giannandrea Parisi and Domenico Musumeci Greco.

  • "QUANDO LA SCHERMA FA SPETTACOLO - INCONTRI D'ECCEZIONE: DA GOLDONI AI CESARONI" ("When Fencing is Spectacle - Exceptional Encounters: From Goldoni to Cesaroni"), Antonello Fassari is Renzo Musumeci Greco's special guest.


  • 3rd Edition of A FIL DI SPADA - MEMORIAL ENZO MUSUMECI GRECO ("By the Edge of The Sword - Memorial Enzo Musumeci Greco"), July 18th, Pincio Terrace, Rome, as part of "Rome's Summer". 3rd International Fencing Tournament Italy vs Rest of the World, hosted by Antonio Stornaiolo, Daniela Fazzolari and Renzo Musumeci Greco, directed for television by Aldo Sarullo. With Aldo Montano, Margherita Granbassi, Andrea Cassarà, Martino Minuto, Aida Mohamed, Mihai Covaliu, Benjamin Kleibrink and Slawomir Mocek. With the extraordinary participation of Gina Lollobrigida, "the most beautiful woman in the world". Main sponsor: Lancia Automobiles.

  • “QUANDO LA SCHERMA FA SPETTACOLO – INCONTRI D’ECCEZIONE: ORSON WELLES IN ITALIA ("When Fencing is Spectacle - Exceptional Encounters: Orson Welles in Italy), February 22nd, Rome. The author Alberto Anile is Renzo Musumeci Greco's guest inside the Academy in order to present his book.

  • “UNA STELLA PER MARTA” ("A Star for Marta"), ten-years commemoration from Marta Russo's passing away. An evening of fencing and entertainment hosted by Simona Marchini and Renzo Musumeci Greco, with Alessio Boni, Massimo Dapporto, Maurizio Donadoni and Antonello Fassari. Fencing match between Italy and Hungary.

  • “FENCING-ENTERTAINMENT” AWARD, March 24th, Venice. Men's Foil "City of Venice" Trophy.

  • “FENCING-ENTERTAINMENT” AWARD, February 10th, Rome. Women's Épée World's Cup.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at National Dance Academy, in Rome.


  • OPERA FESTIVAL, September 15th, Odescalchi Castle, Bracciano. Performance of a theatrical pièce and antique and modern fencing performance.

  • 2nd Edition of A FIL DI SPADA - MEMORIAL ENZO MUSUMECI GRECO ("By the Edge of The Sword - Memorial Enzo Musumeci Greco"), September 4th, Pincio Terrace, Rome, as part of "Rome's Summer". 2nd International Fencing Tournament (2nd Diunamai Trophy) Italy vs Rest of the World (Germany, Poland, Romania, Hungary), hosted by Paola Saluzzi, Marco Franzelli and Renzo Musumeci Greco. With Aldo Montano, Valentina Vezzali, Giovanna Trillini, Luigi Tarantino, Sylvia Gruchala, Aida Mohamed, Mihai Covaliu e Nicolas Limbach. With Maurizio Donadoni playing the role of Cyrano de Bergerac and the participation of Finance Police's Marching Band.

  • FENCING CLASS for the "Commedia dell'Arte" students, managed by Michele Monetta at "Silvio D'Amico" National Drama Academy.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at National Dance Academy, in Rome.

  • “FENCING-ENTERTAINMENT” AWARD, March 18th, Rome. Women's Épée World's Cup.

  • “FENCING-ENTERTAINMENT” AWARD, May 20th, Padova. "Luxardo" Trophy.

  • "GOLDEN GRAAL", conference at Rome's "Casa del Cinema" (House of Cinema).


  • FENCING INTERNSHIP for the students of the Acting School of Catania's "Teatro Stabile", managed by Lamberto Puggelli.

  • 'STAGE COMBAT' REFRESHER TRAINING at "Silvio D'Amico" National Drama Academy.

  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • "FESTA D’ARMI", January 29th-30th, Teatro Politeama, Palermo. Individual Sabre and Team Épée Fencing match and Stage Fencing reenactment.

  • 1st Edition of A FIL DI SPADA - LA MARATONA DI SCHERMA ("By the Edge of The Sword - Fencing Marathon"), May 18th-July 7th, Rome, as part of "Rome's Summer". Events hosted by Paola Saluzzi, Marco Franzelli and Renzo Musumeci Greco: "A Fil di Spada - Il duello dalle origini agli ori olimpici" ("By the Edge of the Sword - The duel from its origins to Olympic gold medals"), exhibit in partnership with Rome's Central National Library; "A Fil di Spada – Il cinema delle armi e degli amori" ("By the Edge of the Sword - The Arms and Love Cinema", film festival with 64 movies screened at Sala Trevi-Alberto Sordi (Rome); Scaramouche, outdoor screening of George Sidney movie in PIazza Farnese (Rome); The Mark of Zorro, screening of Fred Niblo movie at "Casa del Jazz" (Rome); I quattro moschettieri (The Four Musketeers), screening of Carlo Bragaglia's work and other 9 movies at UGC Ciné Cité Parco Leonardo (Rome); "1° Trofeo Diunamai - Memorial Enzo Musumeci Greco" ("1st Diunamai Trophy - Memorial Enzo Musumeci Greco"), July 7th, Italy vs Rest of the World, Piazza Farnese (Rome).

  • “LA SCHERMA E IL FORO ITALICO” ("Fencing and Foro Italico"), October 25th, Rome. Cultural Association "Hermes" convention.

  • ROTARY - PREMIO "LA RUOTA D'ORO" 2004-2005 (Rotary's "Golden Wheel" Award 2004-2005), April 13th, Rome. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is awarded by Laura Delli Colli for his activity in the film sector.

  • "LIRICA DEL MARE" (Opera of the Sea), duels at the Sea Museum, in partnership with Genova's Theatre "Carlo Felice".

  • “LO SPETTACOLO DELL'ARTE E L'ARTE DELLO SPETTACOLO. PERCORSI EDUCATIVI PER IL DIRITTO ALLA CULTURA” ("The Beauty of the Art and the Art of Performing. Educational Paths for the right to culture"), 10th "Agiscuola" National Congress. Managing Director: Luciana Della Fornace. Conference held by Renzo Musumeci Greco with live fencing performance.

  • FESTA D’ARMI “TROFEO DOMENICO TRIOLO” ("Domenico Triolo Trophy" Army Festival"), Centennial Cup, Palermo's Politeama Theatre. Olympic rematch between Aldo Montano and Zsolt Nemcsik after Athens Olympic Games. Event TV broadcastlive during sports show Quelli che... il calcio, Rai 2 channel, and hosted by Renzo Musumeci Greco.

  • DONNA DI SPADE BOOK PRESENTATION, by Patrizia Carrano, with Patrizia Carrano. The author worked together with Master Renzo Musumeci Greco on drafting the many pages in which a duel is described. "The Sword that Carlotta holds owes its fast "floating" to the passion and patience of a great dynasty of fencers' heir: Swordmaster Renzo Musumeci Greco, who, in his beautiful Salle d'Armes located in the heart of Rome, granted me as long as it takes to master this art. Moreover, he also reviewed very carefully all the text segments about fencing." (Patrizia Carrano, Donna di spade, p. 272).

  • “MINI NOIR”, fencing class for children at Courmayeur's "Noir in Festival".

  • “POESIA IN VIA GIULIA” ("Poetry in via Giulia"), literary event in Piazza dell'Oro, via Giulia, Rome. "The Sky, the House, the Church, the Boulevard", Architect Francesco Borromini, with actor Valerio Aprea.


  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • FESTA D’ARMI “A FIL DI LAMA – LA SCHERMA AL CENTRO SPERIMENTALE DI CINEMATOGRAFIA: UNA TRADIZIONE CHE SI RINNOVA” ("By the Edge of the Blade - Fencing at Experimental Cinema Center: A Renewing Tradition" Arms Festival), Rome, Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco. In partnership with Rome's "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia". Guest of honor: Giancarlo Giannini.

  • “DIPINGI LA SCHERMA” ("Paint the Fencing"), contest for "Ripetta" Art School students. The contest is for painting about fencing. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco and sculptor Henrig Bedrossian are in the committee.

  • “SOTTODICIOTTO” ("Undereighteen"), kids movie festival in Turin. Zorro marathon, conference and practical demostration with Steve della Casa.


  • STAGE-FENCING COACH at "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", in Rome.

  • “SCHERMA AL CASTELLO” ("Fencing in the Castle"), modern fencing display at Rome's Castel Sant’Angelo.

  • “L’EDUCAZIONE E LO SPORT” ("Sports and Education"), convention at "San Giuseppe de Merode" institute, Piazza di Spagna, Rome.

  • “ENZO MUSUMECI GRECO” TROPHY, Sassari Brigade. Competions in rememebrance of Master Enzo Musumeci Greco.


  • “IN PEDANA” ("On the Strip"), modern fencing display at "San Giuseppe de Merode" institute, Piazza di Spagna, Rome.

  • CHILDHOOD NATIONAL WEEK, Castel Sant'Angelo Gardens, Rome. Master Renzo Musumeci Greco gives a speech about fencing educational principles..

  • “FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN USA AND ITALY”, modern fencing display in Rome.


  • TEACHER FOR “GIULIETTA E ROMEO” SEMINAR at Catania's "Teatro Stabile".

  • FENCING STAGE at Westside Fencing Center, Los Angeles, California, USA.

  • “NOVECENTO - SPORT IN ITALIA” ("20TH CENTURY - SPORTS IN ITALY"), a contribution by Musumeci Greco's family to BIMED ("Biennale delle Arti e delle Scienze del Mediterraneo"), Salerno. An exhibit on 20th Century's myths with Pierre De Coubertin and Agesilao Greco's characters as a narrative thread.

  • “LA SCHERMA” ("Fencing"), modern fencing display at "San Giuseppe de Merode" institute, Piazza di Spagna, Rome.



  • “ZORRO CONTRO D’ARTAGNAN” ("Zorro vs D'Artagnan"), modern fencing display at "San Giuseppe de Merode" institute, Piazza di Spagna, Rome.


  • “100 ANNI DEL CINEMA” ("100 Years of Cinema"), exhibit at Cinecittà (Rome) for the centennial of Cinema's birth.

  • “NOIR IN FESTIVAL”, Courmayeur, Master Renzo Musumeci Greco is the guest of honor of the Gala Evening.


  • “A FIL DI SPADA”, esibizione di scherma in vetrina a Via Piave, Roma.

  • WORLD PREMIERE OF MONTBLANC PENS COLLECTION, "ALEXANDRE DUMAS" MODEL. Live performance of the duel between the Three Musketeers and Cardinal Richelieu's guards.


  • “BRACCIANO – MONTBLANC”, Renzo Musumeci Greco with the Four Musketeers.

  • “CYRANO E D’ARTAGNAN” ("Cyrano and D'Artagnan"), “I duelli Romantici” ("The Romantic Duels") preparation.

  • “IL PRIMO CAVALIERE” ("The First Knight"), duel's preparation with Gabriella Carlucci for the launch of First Knight movie in Rome, via Veneto.


  • “IL FANTASTICO MONDO DEL FANTASTICO” ("The Awesome World of Awesome"), reenactment of the 'Pirate Ship' duel at Odescalchi Castle, in Bracciano.

  • “LA TAVERNA DI SCARAMOUCHE” ("The Scaramouche Tavern"), duels preparation and event direction.

  • CONI “SPORTCINEFORUM”, Rome, confront between fencing as a sport and fencing in the show business.


  • FENCING DISPLAY FOR TELETHON '94, in Rome, Piazza del Pantheon.



  • “LA TAVERNA DEI BRAVI” ("The Bravi's Tavern"), (*) Rome, Piazza Navona, duels preparation and event direction.


  • “CIAK D’ORO” - TV SORRISI E CANZONI ("Golden Ciak" - TV Sorrisi e Canzoni), (*) Brancaccio Theatre, Rome.

(*)  Works done by Renzo Musumeci Greco in partnership with his father Enzo.

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